Paul Blowers
Paul Blowers has conducted life cycle assessment analyses on the use of alternative biofuels from algal sources. He has also examined the impact of indirect emissions for use of hydrofluorocarbons in refrigeration where new alternatives would lead to higher indirect emissions due to use of the refrigerants even though direct emissions would be lower. The overall impacts for GHG emissions in freezer applications, mobile air conditioners in vehicles, and window air conditioners have all been investigated.
Paul Blowers received his B.S. in chemical engineering from Michigan State University in 1994, then M.S. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1997, and Ph.D. from the sam in 1999. He moved to the University of Arizona into a faculty position and has remained at UA since then, being promoted to University Distinguished Professor and Full Professor in 2012, 2013, respectively. His research is on using quantum chemistry to predict global warming potentials and other environmental impacts. Other research uses life cycle assessment to categorize the different in environmental impacts when considering personal or corporate choices. His last research area is on transforming the pedagogical approaches for engaging students in learning material at all levels.