Student Energy Affiliates

The Institute for Energy Solutions is expanding its professional listing to include UA graduate students and postdoc/research lab associates with a research focus on renewable energy science, water, technology and a policy at the energy-water nexus.
Programs of Study
The University of Arizona offers diverse opportunities for energy-related education, from the undergraduate to doctoral level. IES maintains a list of these programs and provides contact information.
SBAR Graduate Fellowship
The Sustainable Bioeconomy for Arid Regions (SBAR) Fellowship provides opportunities to develop and/or enhance the science communication and teaching skills of motivated graduate students in STEM and Education majors at the University of Arizona and New Mexico State University. SBAR Fellows create resources and teach topics including but not limited to agriculture, science-learning, climate change, water issues, bioeconomies, and community economics during a year-long partnership with the SBAR Education Team in classrooms in Arizona and New Mexico.
IES Graduate Student Summer Fellowship
The Institute for Energy Solutions Summer Fellowship Program provides graduate students with the opportunity to work in research laboratories, private industry, government agencies and NGO's on renewable energy-water related research and projects. This is the perfect opportunity for students to work outside of their current research lab and work in a setting that will enrich their studies. Students who are awarded fellowships are encouraged to present their experiences and the results of their summer research at the IES Fellowship Fall Symposium, annual Arizona Student Energy Conference (AzSEC), and other IES events.
Indige-FEWSS Traineeship
This NSF Research Traineeship at the University of Arizona aims to develop the next generation of scientists and engineers to work with and within Indigenous communities to address food-energy-water challenges. In partnership with Diné College, the oldest Tribal College & University in the country, the Indigenous Food, Energy & Water Security and Sovereignty program will also bring FEWS training to Native American undergraduates and technicians on the Navajo Nation. Learn more about the Diné College Land Grant Office.
The story of Indige-FEWSS
RECESS - Renewable Energy Cohort Engaging Seminar Series
Launched in Fall of 2023, The Institute of Energy Solutions launched RECESS, a seminar series of current research, projects, and processes that further the ambitions of the Biden administration's goals to advance renewable, clean energy solutions and decarbonization by 2050. Topics of interest are:
- Basic Energy Sciences – fundamental research to understand, predict, and ultimately control matter and energy across length scales to provide the foundation for new energy technologies.
- Manufacturing of Energy-Relevant Materials and Devices – advance high-impact energy technologies towards the private sector
- Building-Integrated, Renewable Energy Solutions – ensure existing and future buildings will be durable, comfortable, and high-performance components of energy systems.
Seminars are held on the first Friday of each month. Everyone is welcome to attend. Upcoming seminars can be found on our Event Calendar.
Arizona Student Energy Conference (AzSEC)
Graduate students and post-docs from University of Arizona, Arizona State University, and Northern Arizona University meet every Fall semester with the state's leading renewable energy experts and researchers for the Arizona Student Energy Conference (AzSEC), an annual three-day symposium focusing on developments and exploration in the fields of renewable energy science, technology, and policy at the energy-water-food nexus. Keynote speakers, expert panelist discussions, student presentations, poster sessions, and Grand Challenge exercises are all components of this unique networking opportunity. Speakers and panelists include industry leaders, expert researchers, and policy makers.
AzSEC Conference 2018